Our Buyer Protection is added to every purchase made using the “Buy Now” button (for a fee). Buyer Protection includes our Refund Policy, which allows you to get a refund if:

  • Your parcel never arrives
  • Your parcel was damaged in transit
  • Your item is significantly not as described (SNAD)
  • The Refund Policy unfortunately does not cover items that don’t fit you or don’t suit you. You can still contact your seller about a return, but it will be thaeir decision whether to accept the return or not.

For more details, please see our Terms and Conditions.

Report your issue within 48 hours and request a refund

When we notify you that the parcel should have been delivered or it seems lost, you need to report the issue within 2 days to request a refund:

  • Send an email to general@revampstyle.co.uk to request a refund
  • Once you’ve reported the issue, the order is temporarily suspended.
  • Your payment is held safely by our payment service provider until a solution is found.
  • There is a 2-day period to report an issue covered under the Refund Policy described above. If you don’t report your issue in time, we’ll complete the order and release your payment to the seller.

I’ve reported an issue — what happens next?

Parcel didn’t arrive

If the parcel didn’t arrive and seems lost, you have to report the issuez to us following the steps above. If the loss is confirmed, we’ll cancel the order and you’ll get a full refund.

Parcel was damaged in transit

We recommend refusing a damaged parcel, if you can. If the order arrived but the parcel has been visibly damaged, you must report the issue to us by following the steps above. Once you’ve done this, we’ll contact you and the seller for more information about the damage.
Note: We may ask you to send us more evidence within a specific timeframe. If you don’t provide all the evidence in time, we won’t be able to investigate or issue a refund. If the damage is confirmed, we’ll cancel the order and you’ll get a full refund.

Item is significantly not as described (SNAD)

We consider items to be SNAD if they are significantly different from the listing description and/or photos. If the order arrived but it is significantly not as described, you must report the issue to us by following the steps above. The seller can:

  • Release a refund to you without requesting the item to be returned, or;
  • Ask you to return the item to get a refund.
    In case you’re asked to return the item, you’ll need to send the item or bundle back within 5 working days. Otherwise, the payment will be released to the seller if the order isn’t returned.
    If the SNAD item is part of a bundle, you’ll need to return all the items in the bundle to get a refund (unless the item is counterfeit). You’ll be refunded for the whole bundle once it’s been returned safely.
    Note: You should pay the return shipping costs (unless agreed otherwise). You will be refunded once:
  • The item is returned safely and the seller confirms this by seller dashboard
  • The item is returned and the delivery confirmation expires for the seller.

We’ll step in to help in situations where the seller:

Disputes the claim and believes that the item was described correctly.

  • We’ll review if the item is SNAD or not, based on the evidence given by both sides.
  • If our support team determines that the item is described appropriately, the order will be completed and the seller will receive the payment.
  • If our support team determines it is SNAD, the seller has 2 days to either request a return or release the refund to you.

Reports an issue with the returned item.

  • We’ll review the evidence and make a decision on the refund.

Doesn’t respond within 14 days of you reporting the issue.

  • If we believe the item is described appropriately, the order will be completed and the seller will receive the payment.
  • If we believe it’s SNAD, the seller has 2 days to either request a return or release the refund to you.
  • If the seller still doesn’t respond, the order will be cancelled automatically and you’ll get a refund.

It looks like a counterfeit item

If you have doubts about an item’s authenticity, please report this to us using the steps above.
Once you’ve suspended the order, the seller has 48 hours to provide proof of the item’s authenticity. You can give more proof during this time, as well.
We’ll carefully review all the information and notify you with our decision:

  • No reason to doubt the authenticity of the item — the order will be completed and the refund won’t be issued.
  • It’s unclear if the item is authentic (ambiguous case) — you’ll need to return the item to the seller to get a refund.
  • Item doesn’t seem to be authentic — the order will be cancelled and you’ll get a refund without needing to return the item. We’ll also inform the seller about our findings.
    If we inform the seller that the item doesn’t seem to be authentic, they have 24 hours to dispute our decision and provide new proof of authenticity. If they provide new proof within this time, we’ll review it and then make our final decision